martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

1. - Present Continuous
STRUCTURE: noun + Verb to Be + Verb “ING” + Complement Am/is/ are

EXAMPLE: The teacher is explaining the topic to the class.
2. - Past Continuous

STRUCTURE: noun + Verb to Be in past + Verb “ING” + Complement Was/were
EXAMPLE: The teacher was explaining the topic to the class

3. - Future -Will =
STRUCUTRE: noun + Will + verb (normal) + Complement
EXAMPLE: Peter will sing a beautiful song.

4. -Going to =
STRUCTURE: + Verb to Be + GOING TO + verb (normal) + Comp. Am/is/are
EXAMPLE: Peter is going to sing a beautiful song.

  LISTENING. 1.- You need to study all the lyrics in your compiler.

1.- Study all the vocabulary that your teacher will give you next Friday, November 22nd

1.- Affixes: Are made up of letters that are added to the beginning or the end of a word

-prefixes: letter added to the beginning of a word
-suffixes: letters added to the end of a word
2.- synonyms: are words that have the same meaning
3.- Antonyms: are words that have opposite meanings.
4.-Spelling vocabulary KEY WORDS. -universe -solar system -atmosphere -satellite -celestial body -star -constellation -terrestrial planets -gaseous planets -moons -dwarf planets -comets -asteroids -meteoroids -galaxy -Earth

1.-Where in the universe is planet earth? -You need to study pages 112 to 121 in your spotlight student book (the “Choncho one”)
*what is the atmosphere?
*describe the sun
*what does a constellation is?
*Describe the solar system and their planets
*What is a dwarf planet?
*Draw a galaxy

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